A Jar of Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Butter

Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Recipe

Far more delicious than anything you can buy from the store!

Yate Subfusk


Ingredients list:

  • 1 kg Dried hazelnuts
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp Confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 tbsp Cocoa powder (Optional)
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp Coconut oil
  • 120 gr Couverture bitter chocolate (Optional)

Tools needed:

  • Nutcracker (cranked ones are strongly recommended).
    PS: You may crack the nuts with a stone or some other simple method but it’ll quickly get tedious.
  • An oven or a furnace that you can tightly control the fire
  • A high power blender (if it’s weaker than 700W it’ll only be chunky butter, if you like the nut butter to be creamy and runny like I do, use something strong)

The Recipe

  • Crack 1 kg of hazelnuts
  • Preheat the oven to 180° Celsius (356°F)
  • Roast the nuts for 10–12 minutes at 180°C (356°F)
    Check the nuts so they don’t char. They are very sensitive to fire, I accidentally charred the nuts in my first try, the smell is somewhat nice but it’s very powerful and you won’t be able to cover the burnt taste with anything.
    We want brownish yellow coloured hazelnuts. You can taste them at around 8 minute mark to make sure (be careful they’ll be very hot!)
  • Wear thick gloves and deskin the hazelnuts while they’re hot (nuts release their oils and flavours more while they’re hot, we want as much oil from them as we can extract)
    Also don’t worry about the skins that don’t come off, just deskin the easiest ones and it’ll be fine
They should look something like this, they don’t have to look like the ones you buy from the store.
  • Put them in the blender in 350–500 gr. batches so the motor doesn’t get overwhelmed
  • Pulse for a few times, until the chunks are around the size of uncooked rice
  • Then add honey, coconut oil, salt, confectioners’ sugar according to the size of your batch. (You can calculate using the ingredients table)
  • If you want to make chocolate rather than hazelnut butter, melt the couverture chocolate over boiling water and pour it in the mixture, and add cocoa powder
  • Now pulse a few times again so the other ingredients don’t clump together and crank it up to 11 and wait
  • If you want it chunky you may stop early and put the mixture in a jar or get a tablespoon of the mixture when it’s chunky and put aside for mixing it in later
  • Wait until the mixture forms a twisted torus inside the blender and then turn it off. It should run into the centre like yogurt
  • Taste and add ingredients so it is sweet enough for your liking and jar them up for consuption

Bon appétit!

Variations of chocolate, cocoa chunks and plain unsweetened hazelnut butter

